Sakuma Masazane (佐久間政実)

Born in 1561 and gone on December 15, 1616, Masazane SAKUMA was a busho (Japanese military commandar) from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the Edo period. He was a member of the Sakuma clan (the Kawachi Sakuma clan). He is said to have been a son of Moriaki SAKUMA. He was given Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) and the Governor of Kawachi Province by the Imperial Court. Sanekatsu SAKUMA was his son.

He served Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and he was granted the family name of Toyotomi.

On October 16, 1597, he got the investiture of Jugoinoge and the Governor of Kawachi Province. He held various positions including Fushin bugyo (the Minister of Civil Engineering and Construction Office) and Fushimi machi bugyo (Fushimi town magistrate).

In 1600, he went to Oyama, Shimotsuke Province, accompanying Ieyasu TOKUGAWA for the conquest of Aizu, where he took part in the Battle of Sekigahara.

[Original Japanese]